Welcome message from our Head Teacher
I am delighted to welcome you to Cann Hall. Our pupils really enjoy school. They are polite and well-behaved, supportive of each other, and welcoming to others. They are incredibly proud of their work, which is prominently displayed around the school for everyone to celebrate.
Our hardworking teachers ensure our children have access to a full and rich curriculum, with planned opportunities to revisit learning regularly, which ensures that our pupils learn more and remember more overtime. We aim to build children’s understanding of important concepts through specific subject lessons, such as democracy, as part of their history learning, or climate change in geography. This helps children connect what they are learning in school with what is happening in the wider world and helps prepare them for the future. Our curriculum is enhanced through organised trips and visitors into school, such as our EYFS children visiting Colchester Zoo and a Shakespeare Company performing MacBeth to our year 5 children as part of their learning in English.
Right from the moment the children join us here at our school, we encourage a love of reading. We do this through the use of high-quality books which develops the children’s learning across the curriculum, and daily planned story times. Every classroom has a dedicated reading area, and our library is well stocked with a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. For children to be successful in mathematics, we know that they must be fluent with their times tables facts to 12 x12 by the time they reach Year 4, so we use a whole school approach to teaching these important facts.
We believe that education is most effective where there is a clear partnership between home and school. We therefore encourage all parents to be an active part of their child’s learning as well as feeling welcome within the whole school community.
Do come and see for yourself what Cann Hall can offer. We hope you find all the information you require on our website. Documents can be provided in paper form at no cost, via our school office.
Sarah Crookes
Head Teacher