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Upcoming Events

30.09.2024: Harvest Festival

03.10.2024: Autumn Census Day

22.10.2024: individual photographs  

25.10.2024: Break up for half term

31.10.2024: Secondary school application deadline

04.11.2024: Start of second half of Autumn term

07.11.2024: Flu vaccinations

Wb: 11.11.2024: Anti-Bullying Week

11.11.2024: Remembrance Day

27 & 28.11.2024: Learning Conferences 

5.12.2024.KS2 Christmas Carol service at St. John’s church + parents @9.00

9.12.2024: PTA Christmas Discos

16.12.2024: PTA Elfridges Pop Up Shop

16.12.2024: EYFS Christmas craft and songs @13.45

17.12.2024: EYFS/KS1 Christmas lunches 

18.12.2024: KS2 Christmas lunches 

19.12.2024: KS1 nativity performances for Year 1 parents @9.15 & Year 2 parents @10.30 

20.12.2024: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas parties, followed by Christmas songs to parents on the playground @14.00 (gates open at 13.45)

20.12.2024: End of Autumn term – break up for Christmas

06.01.2025: Non-pupil day

07.01.2025: Start of Spring term