Our Wider offer
Music coordinator: Mr Peter Turner
Class Music Lessons
Each year group receives a block of music lessons per half term. The content of the class lessons links to current topic work undertaken in class. We use the Music Express scheme (second edition) to address all elements of the music curriculum.
Listening skills
All children have the opportunity to listen to music in whole school assemblies three times per week. The genre varies from classical to jazz to pop to world music. The genres are carefully selected to cover a vast range of listening experiences. A wall display informs pupils of the genre and artist/composer.
We pride ourselves in our singing at Cann Hall. We sing in weekly whole school assemblies, in class music lessons and in the wider community. We sing carols every year to parents in the playground and often have theme days where we will perform songs and dance routines for parents to marvel at.
Performance opportunities
We provide opportunities for children outside of school.
- The children have performed at the Princes Theatre in Clacton-On-Sea since 2014.
- They have performed at two local residential homes.
- We take part in the Tendring Vocal Project
The children also sing:
- For Harvest, Easter and Christmas ceremonies at the local church
- Carols to parents on the playground
Wider musical opportunities
We offer wider musical opportunities to our children:
- Key Stage 2 choir
- Key Stage 2 Recorders
1-2-1 music tuition
We currently offer the opportunity to have 1-2-1 tuition in guitar and piano with peripatetic music tutors. Learning a musical instrument develops thinking, organisational coordination and concentration skills. It also develops diction and language in ensemble singing work. It also gives great pleasure to the player and the audience and heightens self-esteem.
PE and School Sport
Subject Leader for PE: Mrs Claire Hollamby-Harding
At Cann Hall all children take part in two PE sessions per week. One session is led by a specialist sports coach, from Colchester United and the second session is delivered by the class teacher. We also have a specialist dance teacher, who comes into school each week, to teach dance. She teaches every year group, on a half termly basis.
The school provides a range of sports and clubs throughout the year for Keystage 1 and Keystage 2. Children are encouraged to be active and participate in activities inside school at lunchtimes and after school clubs.
Colchester United also work with the school, offering a variety of after school sports clubs, including multiskills, football, Try sports and Invasion Games. Netball and football after-school clubs, for boys and girls, are also offered and led by Cann Hall staff. We regularly take part in annual inter-school competitions for netball, football and athletics. Throughout the year there are also opportunities for children to take part in cross country tournaments, rugby and cricket festivals.
Our Year 6 pupils, have the opportunity to take part in an end of year residential, which is designed to develop children's independence and team building skills as well as to broaden their experiences.