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The Compass Curriculum is inclusive of, and builds upon, the EYFS curriculum (please find more information about our EYFS curriculum under the EYFS tab in this section) and the National Curriculum, and maximises cross curricular opportunities and the fluent use of English and Maths to enhance progress for everyone.  Our curriculum complies with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 to ensure our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. For further information, please see the SEND page on this website.

Our curriculum is designed by our Subject Leaders who map progression in both substantive and disciplinary knowledge for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, Computing and Foundation Subjects across Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. Knowledge is purposefully planned across our Frameworks providing opportunities for knowledge to build on prior learning and to be revisited in subsequent years and in different subjects so that knowledge is deepened and mastered over time.

Our Curriculum is designed to narrow the gap for children who are disadvantaged and sets out purposefully sequenced knowledge, vocabulary and skills for each subject and each year group so that children know more and remember more over time. Key foundational knowledge such as phonics, handwriting and number sense are taught systematically in the Early Years and throughout Year 1. We teach to support children to keep up from the start and close any learning gaps quickly, using targeted keeping up sessions to ensure that all children especially those disadvantaged have the key knowledge that they need to access the wider curriculum.  At Compass, this is an issue of equity and social justice and is key in our drive to narrow the disadvantaged gap and ensure all children thrive. 

Knowing More and Remembering More

Our curriculum is ambitious for our children. Each year deep knowledge and memory of key concepts is supported through making meaningful connections both between and across subject domains Through making connections and applying learnt knowledge to solve problems and answer big questions children learn to respond to increasingly challenging problems and questions confidently as well as knowing more and remember more over time.

Our Curriculum aims to support children to be confident, independent, and inquisitive learners, who develop an understanding of the world – past, present, and future. The curriculum is designed to support children in the acquisition of desirable learning dispositions through providing contextualised learning experiences and teaching that enable them to understand fully what they need to know and how they need to be to be successful learners

The foreign languages taught in KS2 are French and Spanish.

Please find our curriculum overviews below, these summarise the curriculum taught for each year group.

For more information about the curriculum, please contact the school.

Personal, Social, Health and economic CURRICULUM

Throughout Key Stage One, relationships will be explored, and children will be introduced to the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to form healthy and safe relationships. Children will explore and understand families, friendships and people who care for them and about what makes caring and respectful relationships, including relationships online. They will explore and learn safe behaviours and understand what to do if they feel unsafe. Children will focus on understanding and recognising emotions, building self-esteem, building respect for themselves and others, and understanding what makes a healthy relationship of any kind. Children will begin to explore the idea of equalities through developing a sense of self identity and exploring the impact and value that everyone brings.

Throughout Key Stage Two, children will focus on personal development, identity and values, building self-esteem and respect for themselves and others and understanding what makes a healthy relationship, including those online. They will be introduced to aspects of the human life cycle like puberty and will have gained some understanding of human reproduction in the context of healthy and respectful relationships.  Children will continue to learn and understand how to keep themselves safe. They will understand the key facts about puberty, including physical and emotional changes, menstrual well-being and the menstrual cycle. Children will be well prepared for adolescence, including knowing how a baby is conceived and basic facts about pregnancy.

Your child’s teacher will also send out information when a sensitive topic is going to be taught so you are well-informed. As always, if you have any questions or concerns or require additional information, please speak to your child’s class teacher.